Psalm 16:11 Does God want us to have joy? Where is joy found? Can anyone find it? Enjoy this sermon...
Luke 9:23
Luke 9:23 How do we become godly? Does it come through hard work? Does God simply “zap” us with holiness?...
Luke 1:30-56
December 10, 2022Luke 1:30-56 How do the actions of a teenaged Jewish girl in the first century affect us today? Does the...
Psalm 100
Psalm 100 How thankful are you? Does gratitude really have a lasting effect on our faith? On our reaction to...
2 Peter 3:3-15
2 Peter 3:3-15 What hope do we have for the future? Do we really believe that Jesus is coming back...
Matthew 10:16-25
November 5, 2022Matthew 10:16-25 Why does the world feel so hostile to the church? Is it possible for us to avoid persecution...
Matthew 9:35-10:15
October 29, 2022Matthew 9:35–10:15 How does Jesus respond to the brokenness of our world? How does He command us to respond? Enjoy...
Matthew 9:18-34
October 22, 2022Matthew 9:18-34 What is a miracle? Does God still perform miracles today? What role does faith play in our salvation?...
Matthew 9:9-17
Matthew 9:9-17 What was the main purpose of Jesus’ ministry? Do we place too much emphasis on “guilt by association”?...
Matthew 9:1-8
Matthew 9:1-8 Who has authority to forgive sin? Is there hope that your sin can be forgiven? Why does Jesus...
Matthew 8:23-34
Matthew 8:23-34 Who is Jesus, really? How far does His authority stretch? In this passage Jesus’ closest disciples begin to...
Matthew 8:18-22
Matthew 8:18-22 Is there a cost involved with being a disciple of Jesus? If our salvation is free, why does...
Matthew 8:1-17
September 10, 2022Matthew 8:1-17 How much authority does Jesus really have? Does He still have the power to heal? Should we expect...
Matthew 7:24-29
Matthew 7:24-29 How can we be certain that our lives are built on a solid foundation? Do we even need...
Matthew 7:15-23
August 27, 2022Matthew 7:15-23 What role do good works play in the life of a Christian? How can we identify false prophets?...
Matthew 7:13-14
August 20, 2022Matthew 7:13-14 Is there really only one way to God? Isn’t sincerity all that really matters in religion? Is the...
Matthew 7:7-12
August 13, 2022Matthew 7:7-12 Why does Jesus seem to focus so much on prayer? Is prayer really necessary? What does prayer have...
Matthew 7:1-6
Matthew 7:1-6 Are Christians allowed to judge other people? How do we deal with the mistakes and missteps of other...
Matthew 6:25-33
Matthew 6:25-33 How do we deal with financial anxieties? Does the Bible give us hope in this area? In this...
Matthew 6:19-24
Matthew 6:19-24 Why do we work? Should we strive to accumulate wealth? It all depends on our focus. Enjoy this...