Matthew 6:16-18 What is Fasting? Why would we want to fast? Is it expected of all followers of Jesus? Enjoy...
Matthew 6:5-15
July 9, 2022Matthew 6:5-15 How are we supposed to pray? What might hinder our prayers? In this passage, which includes Jesus’ model...
Matthew 6:1-4
July 2, 2022Matthew 6:1-4 What is your motive for doing good works, or helping those in need? In this passage Jesus tells...
Matthew 5:33-42
Matthew 5:33-42 What does the Bible say about taking oaths and keeping your word? How should we respond when we...
Matthew 5:27-32
Matthew 5:27-32 How does God view our thoughts and behaviors? How Does God view adultery and divorce? Is every divorce...
Matthew 5:21-26
May 28, 2022Matthew 5:21-26 Did Jesus, in fulfilling the demands of the Law, also elevate the commands to include internal realities as...
Shine – Matthew 5:14-16
Shine – Matthew 5:14-16 What did Jesus mean when he said believers would be “the light of the world”? How...
Peace is just the beginning – Romans 5:1-8
Peace is just the beginning – Romans 5:1-8
The Dark Night of the Soul – Psalm 22
May 7, 2022Psalm 22 – The Dark Night of the Soul What can we learn about God from a Psalm revealing David’s...
Why did Jesus come to die? – Part III – To Make Holiness Possible – 1 John 1:5-10
Why Did Jesus Come to Die? – Part III – To Make Holiness Possible – 1 John 1:5-10 Jesus’ crucifixion...
Why did Jesus come to die? – Part II – To Provide the Means for our Adoption in to God’s Family – John 1:10-13
Why did Jesus come to die? – Part II – To Provide the Means for our Adoption into God’s Family...
Why Did Jesus Come To Die? – Part I – To Satisfy the Demands of the Law – Matthew 5:17-20
April 16, 2022Why Did Jesus Come To Die? – Part I – To Satisfy the Demands of the Law – Matthew 5:17-20...
“You are the salt of the earth” – Matthew 5:13
April 9, 2022“You are the salt of the earth” – Matthew 5:13 What does Jesus mean when he labels his followers...
“Blessed are those who are persecuted” – Matthew 5:10-12
“Blessed are those who are persecuted” – Matthew 5:10-12 What does it mean to be persecuted? What does it mean...
“Blessed are the peacemakers”- Matthew 5:9
“Blessed are the peacemakers” – Matthew 5:9 What does it mean to be a peacemaker? Does peace have a correspondence...
“Blessed are the pure in heart” – Matthew 5:8
“Blessed are the pure in heart” – Matthew 5:8 What does it mean to be pure in heart? How are...
“Blessed are the merciful” – Matthew 5:7
March 12, 2022“Blessed are the merciful” – Matthew 5:7 In Victor Hugo’s classic, Les Miserables, Jean Valjean first act of thievery was...
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” – Matthew 5:6
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” – Matthew 5:6 What does our experience of physical hunger teach...
“Blessed are the meek” – Matthew 5:5
“Blessed are the meek” – Matthew 5:5 What does it mean to be “meek?” Is there some weakness and...
“Blessed are those who mourn” – Matthew 5:4
February 19, 2022“Blessed are those who mourn” – Matthew 5:4 How is it possible for us to be blessed when we mourn?...