Matthew 16:1-12 What was the real problem that the Pharisees and Sadducees had with Jesus? Do we still struggle with...
Matthew 15:21-39
Matthew 15:21-39 Why did Jesus spend this extended time outside of Israel? Did He have plans for those who were...
Matthew 15:1-20
Matthew 15:1-20 What do you think of Jesus? Do you know that the answer to that question determines your worship...
Selected Passages on Prayer
July 22, 2023Selected Passages on Prayer How does prayer glorify God? Do we really need to pray at all? How are we...
Matthew 14:22-36
Matthew 14:22-36 We had issues with our camera and sound during this service. However, Dale’s sermon on the story of...
Matthew 13:53-14:21
Matthew 13:53–14:21 How does what we believe about Jesus change how we worship Him? How does the execution of John...
Matthew 13:47-52
Matthew 13:47-52 Jesus was clear that a day of judgement is coming. How should respond to this knowledge personally? How...
Matthew 13:31-35; 44-46
Matthew 13:31-35; 44-46 How can a small group (with little to no influence) turn the world upside down? How valuable...
Selected Passages – Fathers Day
Selected Passages – Fathers Day What is a Father? How does the Bible describe the role of a father? How...
Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43
Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 Is God really going to judge the world? If so, what is he waiting for when things...
Matthew 13:1-23
Matthew 13:1-23 How can you evaluate your heart toward the gospel? Does your heart toward the words of Jesus really...
Matthew 13:10-17
Matthew 13:10-17 Why did Jesus teach using parables? How should we understand them? How do we understand them? Enjoy this...
Selected Passages: What is a Mother?
Selected Passages: What is a Mother? What is a mother? What are the characteristics of a good mother? How can...
Matthew 12:38-50
Matthew 12:38-50 How does the story of Jonah fit into the life of Jesus? Can anyone be wiser than Solomon?...
Matthew 12:22-37
Matthew 12:22-37 Are there any sins that God will not forgive? What is the “Unpardonable Sin”? How can I know...
Matthew 12:9-21
Matthew 12:9-21 Is it lawful to good on the Sabbath? How does justice relate to the Sabbath? Can we offer...
Matthew 12:1-8
Matthew 12:1-8 How does Jesus provide rest for us? Are we still required to observe the Sabbath? Enjoy this sermon...
1 Corinthians 15 – The Resurrection of Jesus
1 Corinthians 15 – The Resurrection of Jesus Why do Christians make such a big deal of the resurrection of...
Matthew 11:28-30
Matthew 11:28-30 In our hectic culture, how can we find rest? How does Jesus give us the rest that we...
Matthew 11:20-27
Matthew 11:20-27 Is Jesus a God of love, or a God of justice? Is it possible for Him to be...